How to start to become aware of subconscious thoughts? Then Replacing old limiting patterns?


Your subconscious thoughts are those that you started developing from an early age and have reinforced and created patterns from over the years. The good news is, they CAN be changed. Negative limiting beliefs about yourself, others or your circumstances can be eliminated from your life when you make a decision, with firm intention & emotion to do so.

It all starts with positive self-talk and positive visualization, so you can put a positive vibration into the world and attract positive people and positive opportunities into your life.

Are you seeing a trend here? :)

Be positive and you'll attract positive! Raise your energetic vibration and you'll have more power to create the reality you desire!

The important thing to remember is to continue to be consistent with your Law of Attraction goals every single day without fail, and reach that sweet spot inside your visualizations where you can really FEEL your ideal as though it is your reality right now. Obviously Mind Movies is an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve this, but visualization sessions are also effective.





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