5 Good Reasons To Stop Judging Others


One of the most harmful things we do everyday, and sometimes without even noticing, is judging.

Despite our best efforts, we’re constantly judging - people, things, situations. 

However, what we don’t realize is that when we stop labeling, we free ourselves from emotions and expectations that can prevent us from enjoying life at its fullest.

In my previous blog post I recorded a video where I shared how to stop judging others in 2 simple steps.

And in today’s blog post, I’d like to share with you 5 good reasons to stop judging others (and to really start living instead):

1. Earl Nightingale once said: “When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.”

Do you agree?

If you think about it, every time you criticize someone or gossip about them, it’s usually in the areas where you feel the weakest or that you most dislike about yourself. 

If you’re able to see their “flaws”, it’s most probably because you can recognize them in yourself. 

For instance, you see a mother who can’t control her kids running around, so you judge her for struggling with her kids and you walk away upset at her for being a “bad mother”… 

When in reality what you might be doing is judging another mother who appears to be struggling more than you.

Can you relate?

2. You can’t appreciate other people.  

Now, what if this struggling mother was your friend, your co-worker or a relative? 

Has it ever occurred to you that she might be a wonderful person and by walking away or judging her you’re not appreciating the great human being she really is and what she has to offer?

And what’s worse, you could be making assumptions about that person without trying to understand her situation. 

Which leads me to #3…

3. You block your spiritual growth. 

You see, every time you choose to judge other people’s “flaws”, you’re forgetting about their frustration and pain. 

Will Smith once said, “Because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.”

And every time you focus on your frustration and pain, you become self-absorbed and you block your spiritual growth, you stop evolving as a person, or even worse… 

4. You stop the flow of abundance. 

When you stop evolving and growing as a person by focusing only on yourself, you lower your vibration, and therefore you shut yourself down from receiving abundance and prosperity from the universe. 

5. It makes you unhappy.

In a recent post from Tiny Buddha I found this awesome reminder: “In judgement, there’s an element of dissatisfaction with the way things are and a desire to have things be the way we want them to be.”

When we stop being judgmental, we appreciate people and things for what they are; we start living in the present moment and we can simply enjoy life and be happy :)

So next time you catch yourself criticizing someone, don’t beat yourself up, instead, try finding out what subconscious limiting beliefs are implanted in you that may be blocking your spiritual growth, abundance and success. 

(Some limiting beliefs begin in your childhood and stay with you for the rest of your life!)

So take the next step and discover amazing insights about yourself by taking this quick, easy and free Success Blocker quiz. 

Take your 30 second quiz here!

After you do, you'll receive a personalized video report that identifies your #1 limiting belief and most importantly, how you can rid yourself from its influence. 

Always remember to look for the goodness in people, find out how can you help them… and NEVER underestimate the power of a smile or a hug! 

And if you have any other good reasons to stop judging others, please share them with our community in the comment box below :)





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