How to frame Mind to become rich quickly


If you truly want to manifest more money in your life, you need to shift your thoughts away from lack and scarcity and more toward gratitude. Focus on what you DO have and not on what you DON\'T have. When you do this,  you resonate that sense of abundance and fullness out into the Universe...

And the Universe will respond by delivering opportunities for more abundance back to you to match your vibration.

To help you cultivate an abundant mindset, here are Nat’s top 5 money affirmations to help you attract more wealth and prosperity:

1. Money flows to me in surprising and unexpected ways.

2. I love and respect money.

3. I am financially free.

4. I am a money magnet!

5. I can feel my abundance growing daily.

To take it a step further, print these out and tape them to your bathroom mirror or somewhere else where you\'ll be sure to see them each day.  Speak each one out loud if you can, and through this daily repetition you\'ll begin shifting yourself into a more abundant vibration... and the Universe will soon begin boomeranging that abundance back to you.

The important thing to remember is to continue to be consistent with your Law of Attraction goals every single day without fail, and reach that sweet spot inside your visualizations where you can really FEEL your ideal as though it is your reality right now. Obviously Mind Movies is an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve this, but visualization sessions are also effective.





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